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来源: 长城网 作者: 2017-03-30 16:54:57
【字号: | | 【背景色 杏仁黄 秋叶褐 胭脂红 芥末绿 天蓝 雪青 灰 银河白(默认色)

  青龙峡是国家AAAA级景区、国家水利风景区,位于北京市怀柔区怀北镇古长城关口,距北京三元桥75公里,是集青山、绿水、古长城于一体的自然风景区。 景区占地面积150公顷,南北狭长约十余华里,雄伟的水库大坝将景区分为两个部分。北部是高峡平湖,游客可以乘画舫或快艇沿蜿蜒的水路欣赏两岸风光。东岸设有蹦极跳、攀岩、速降、等健身娱乐项目。坝外是静静流淌的溪水,溪上可以划船、撑竹筏。峡谷两侧山势雄伟,植被茂密。山顶还有保存完好的明代古长城敌楼,吸引无数游人去探寻古迹。



  Beijing Qinglong Gorge Tourism Resort

  Qinglong Gorge Tourism Resort in Huairou consists of rural scenery, mountains and water, waterfalls and fountains, remains of the Great Wall.

  The ancient Great Wall that traverses along the Qinglong Gorge was first constructed during the reign of Emperor Shenzong (1573-1620) of the Ming Dynasty. It was the main fortress linking Beijing to Dage and Rehe in the Ming and Qing dynasties. This part of the Great Wall connects with Simatai Great Wall in Miyun in the east, and Mutianyu Great Wall in the west. The wall was built with rocks or bricks with a rock base. The wall and a dozen of beacon towers well preserved today still show its ancient features after several hundred years. This makes the place one of the famous sections of the Great Wall in the ancient

  cultural heritage of China. Situated between the mountain area and the plain, one may see, on the wall, the Miyun Reservoir in the east, rural scenery of north Beijing in the south, the ancient Great Wall in the west and ranges of mountains with trees in the north.

  Longxia Lake at the foot of the Great Wall is situated between mountains on both sides. It can be toured by taking a yacht, a dragon boat, an ancient-style boat or a luxury pleasure boat. The mountain there is just like Huangshan Mountain; the gorge there is just like the Three Gorges along the Yangtze River while the water there is just like Lijiang River in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.

  The high-rising Qinglong Mountain has zigzagging stone ways leading to the top. Covered with

  a thick layer of pine trees, the mountain also sees other forests of wild grapes, wild Chinese prickly ash, wild hazels, Chinese wistaria and thousand of wild plants. Exquisite scenes at Qinglong Gorge also include Yixiantian (a huge stone crack) and sheer crag or cliffs.

  Canglongyu Natural Scene is known for its deep valley and luxuriant vegetation.

  青龙峡联系电话:89696781 行车路线:自北京市三元桥沿京密路到怀柔或走京承高速(怀柔出口出,上京密路)见开放环岛左转,顺丰宁指路牌北行,过雁栖湖七公里即到。(沿途有明确的指示路标)


